Beauty School

Every profession normally has its own specialty. Being specialist has advantage to ensure that one could be very excellent doing the job and could provide higher confidence for the prospective clients. Like medical and law field, profession in the beauty field can be broken down in several specialties. In the United States, the major specialties that are also regulated and required taking certain hours of training and take an examination by state government are divided into Estheticians for face, Manicurist for nail and Cosmetologist mainly for hair, but cover the face and nail also. From those, there are sub specialties that ones can pick as they go through their career.

In today’s post, I’d like to share a little information about specializing on face. If your interest is doing makeup as your profession, taking an esthetician training and eventually taking an exam and get license is a right way to go. Find and enroll into a reputable beauty schools or check if the community college in your area has cosmetology department. Do online research by googling the keyword “Board of Cosmetology + Your State” to learn more about the beauty schools you are interested in.

The beauty school that will guide you to receive training for getting license normally will not be enough for you to learn the real trades. The continuing education through real makeup school could be necessary. In the United States, the makeup schools quite concentrate in where the entertainment business, Los Angeles that is. Here are a couple makeup schools in Los Angeles:

and here is in San Francisco:

If going to formal makeup school is not possible for you, do not get discouraged. In this era of YouTube, beauty tutorial from real pros are abundantly available, there is no way that you can’t self learn. The best training for this profession is really do lots of practice and your own will to be successful.

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