Skin Care Beauty Tool

Happy Friday!

The summer heat is on point today in our office located in near San Francisco Airport and close by the famous YouTube Headquarter.

Today’s blog, due to heat I feel like sharing my own personal skin care routine. Honestly and contradictorily, I was not as diligent take care my skin as when I was in my 20s and early 30s. I tried microdermabrasion, did routine facial before, used premium skin care. In the past two to three years, I did not do all that anymore mainly because I really did not see any improvement.

The most problematic skin that I have is on and off acne on my chin. I almost give up the idea to even find a temporary cure until the beginning of this year though always skeptical I decided to give Clarisonic Brush a try. I purchased this pricy brush at Nordstrom without hoping anything. It was not out of the moon that I decided to try Clarisonic. For a while, perhaps over a year, a friend of mine told me about Clarisonic and how good it was according to her and she even added that her dermatologist recommended it J I still did not buy it.

Now, I’ve been using it for half a year, I can personally approve this Clarisonic amazingly can manage my acne on my chin. Perhaps the sonic technology really works cleaning skin deep. I thought I share this in case you are having skin problem like mine or just simply want to take a good care of your skin. However, do keep in mind, just like any product, it might works on other people, but it might not work for you. The best is really trying it. I am not sure if Clarisonic provides money back guarantee. Do ask or find out before purchasing as it is a pricy item.

Pictures below are the Clarisonic Mia2 that I am using.

Clarisonic_Mia2_Pic1  Clarisonic_Mia2_Pic2

As I have an acne prone skin (on the chin part), I become sensitive not to wear a foundation that contains ingredients that will clog my pores. For the past six years, I strictly use mineral foundation that only contains no more than four ingredients, but still provide excellent coverage for my chin that most of time gets red due to acne which we sell on our site.


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