Current Favorite False Eyelashes!

Looking for the perfect false eyelashes with quality and comfort? Well here are our current favorites by Eyemimo Cosmetics. Every false eyelash style that Eyemimo has provides a full lash line with glamorous look.

The #NTR29 are one of our most popular style. It has a solid lash band is with different length hairs that fill the base. Longer length hairs provide a flared look throughout the eyes.

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The #NTR05 false eyelashes are very light weight with a more natural look but a lot of length. These are similar to the #NTR29 lashes but with a sparser lash base. These are perfect for an everyday wear with a light lined eye.

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The last pair are the #GLM13. They are very dramatic with a stacked look in one lash. With natural looking hairs, they create a mink-like look, but are animal cruelty free. These lashes are full at the base all the way to the tips!

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