What causes acne

Continuing with my previous post which mentioned about acne, I stumbled upon the video by Asian Beauty Secrets that map out what causes acne based on traditional Chinese medicine.


After watching it, below is 1/2 of the list. Press or tap play on the video below to watch the full list.

Upper forehead
Cause: digestion system
Solution: Consume more antioxidant food or drink such as green tea, lemon water and berries

Lower forehead
Cause: Irregular sleeping patterns, stress, depression, bad blood circulation

Avoid: Sleep early before 11 pm, find ways to distress your mind

Nose reflects the heart caused by blood pressure and stress.

Eyebrow is related to liver which caused by high-fat diet and/or too much alcohol.

Ears related to kidney which often caused not enough water and too much sodium & caffeine.

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