Learn How to Dress Accordingly from Christie Ressel

Youtuber Stylist - Christie Ressel

Let’s face it, we human come in different shapes. Can you imagine if every human on this earth has the same shape. The earth must be a boring place. 

Everyone should feel good about herself no matter what shape. In order to feel good, there is time that one needs to put effort. Perhaps, knowing how to correctly pick and wear the type of outfits would make one feels good. Aren’t we all start our day with what to wear? It is the starting point of the day. 

Outfit could make or break our shape. Even the normal shape could end up unflattering when wrong type of outfit is worn.

Learn how to avoid the mistakes from Youtuber Stylist, Christie Ressel. Her video’s title is How to Dress Skinny, yet I think it can be viewed as how to dress accordingly.